After a marriage breaks down, spousal support can be one of the most contentious issues on the table. In a nutshell, spousal support is calculated according to the length of the marriage, the needs of the lower-earning spouse, and the ability to pay for the higher-earning spouse. However, other factors can be considered during the […]

Spousal Support

November 15, 2024

How is Spousal Support Calculated in BC?

How is child support calculated in Langley British Columbia portrayed by blocks with letters and two wooden, child like figures next to support money.

Once a British Columbia court orders spousal support to be paid by one spouse to the other, that support must be paid according to the terms of the order—unless there is a court-ordered modification or termination of the support. The payor has a legal obligation to make these payments to the recipient, or various enforcement […]

Spousal Support

October 20, 2024

How to Terminate Your Spousal Support in British Columbia

How to terminate your spousal support in British Columbia portrayed by a gavel, a stack of money and a separating family caricature standing on top of the money.